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Want Even Faster Anti-Ageing Results?

Make Your Eyes Appear More Youthful, Less Wrinkled, Reduce Puffiness And Reduce Dark Circles With Our Advanced Eye Smoothing Formula

Special Offer On This Page Only For New Customers Of Firm and Restore

Buy 2, Get 4 FREE! You Save

Smooth and bright eyes have been found to help women look as much as 5 to 10 years younger.

But here’s what almost no women or skincare experts understand…

The skin around eyes is thinner and more sensitive than the rest of your face

So for women who are wanting to enjoy the biggest anti-ageing benefits, we recommend using a targeted solution for their eyes.

In our research we found 33 different unique plant extracts and ingredients that can help to make your eyes appear more youthful, less wrinkled, reduce puffiness and reduce dark circles.

And after extensive testing, we eventually combined these 33 different ingredients into our special Advanced Eye Smoothing Formula…

…And the results have been outstanding.

Many women love how their eyes look after using Advanced Eye Smoothing Formula

With our unique formula you can…

All thanks to our unique solution that targets ageing around the eyes.

Plus, since you’re a new customer of Firm & Restore, you’ve unlocked a special one-time-only discount so you can have 4 bottles of Advanced Eye Smoothing Formula FREE when you add 2 bottles to your order today.

That’s a saving of !

Plus, your order is still covered by our 60 day guarantee. So if for any reason you’re not completely amazed by how youthful and vibrant your eyes look after trying it, just let us know and you’ll promptly receive a full refund.

But due to limited stock availability this special offer is only available on this page right now and you won’t be able to access this special pricing ever again.

Click the “YES! ADD TO ORDER” button below to secure your saving and get your 3 bottles of Advanced Eye Smoothing Formula now.

Hey it’s Melissa Hartzel here…

I have another INCREDIBLE bit of advice for you which is going to make your transformation so much easier.

Over the next few minutes I’ll reveal the most common skincare mistake that I see my clients making time and time again.

'It's an easy mistake to make, but a bad one, as it can make people think you’re dramatically older - and less attractive than you really are.

It can make even the most confident of women shy away from colleagues, friends and family. But it doesn’t need to be like this anymore.

My solution is so simple, I’m shocked no one has done it before. Plus it is so easy and can be done in the comfort of your own home, in just a couple of minutes, regardless of whether you’re in your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s or older.

(In fact, the OLDER you are, it wouldn’t be a long shot to say the results would be even more impressive!)

As a Skin Care Expert and Researcher, I have devoted my career to trying to target what really causes the effects of ageing on women.

And figure out why it is that some women have that confident magnetism, which seems to attract constant compliments from strangers…

While others carry the weight of ageing, rapidly becoming invisible to their loved ones and the world.

The Issue 80-90% Of All Women Have.

The biggest threat to youthful skin is the sun.

Ageing of the skin as a result of the sun’s UV radiation is called Dermatoheliosis

The Recent Journal Published By Dove Press Concludes:

’UV exposure seems to be responsible for 80% of visible facial aging signs’’

Simply put, this means that the most visible signs of aging are shockingly caused by the sun, not your age!

But That's Not The Shocking Part...

Astonishing studies from prestigious German University, Gottingen and the Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute for Urban Ethology, have demonstrated significant advancements towards understanding what makes women look 10-12 years older.

And the answer is not what you’re expecting.

Researchers ran advanced photographic testing on 170 models, each aged between 11 and 76 and with variable skin qualities.


''The models with the most even skin tone were rated significantly more attractive and healthy than those without. They were also considered to be younger in age. Those with less even skin tone were rated as the lesser attractive, lesser healthy and older looking.''

What’s more:

‘’We established that accrued UV damage has a drastic impact on skin tone, therefore displaying yet another reason to prevent UV damage and try aid repair of past skin damage’’

And so there we have it.

It’s not enough to stop at reduced wrinkles, fine lines and tightening looser, sagging skin.

It’s fighting back against sun damage to create a radiant, even skin tone which will restore the head-turning attractiveness that you’ve been missing. Everybody from the shop assistant to your husband will be double taking as you strut past.

So listen

Sun Damage Drains Youthfulness From Your Eyes More Than Anywhere Else

It is the most difficult sign of ageing to combat

And regardless of how youthful and radiant your skin is…

Aged eyes will always show your real age (And often, they will make you look significantly older than you really are!)

This is the common skincare mistake that I see 80-90% of women make.

They believe rigorous surgery or harsh cosmetic treatments are the solution. But they are wrong, you just need a more caring solution, especially if you're experiencing:

From one lady to another…

I appreciate the frustration of trying all those ‘’anti-ageing’’ eye creams and serums, only to see little to no effect every time I look in the mirror.

So perhaps you feel like Expensive Treatments, Botox, or Surgery are the only options left?

And for many women, who don’t know what I’m now telling you, those are the only options left.

Nearly All Eye-Creams Are A Complete Waste Of Money..

Doing Nothing To Target Dermatoheliosis Or UV-Damage, Many May Actually Be Making The Problems Worse Over Time. Here's How:

1. They do nothing to inhibit the Cannibal Proteins (MMP’s)

These Cannibal Proteins actually increase by 10-20% every ten years. Meaning they grow more and more potent and destructive the older you get. So when this protein isn’t targeted, nothing is being done to curb the source of the problem. Leaving your aged skin to look the same day-in, day-out.

2. They sell you on the Label, not the Substance

The skin around your eyes is thinner and more sensitive than the rest of the face. Meaning it is even more difficult to manage and requires a more concentrated formula from experts which really know what they’re doing.

Whilst many may claim to do exactly that, they often just add something ‘special’ to their face cream and call it a day. Preaching the amazing effects of their magic ingredient to draw your concentration away from the rest of the formula.

It’s just a scheme, designed to part you from your hard earned money. Leaving you feeling disheartened and looking the same as at the start.

3. Their products could cause harm to your skin

I am always looking at the label on my clients 'miracle’ serums and realizing some of these companies literally have no idea what they’re doing. Mixing negative combinations or ratios or ingredients together which could actually have adverse side effects or cause harm to your skin.

4. They contain unnatural and Harsh Ingredients

Your eyes are a sensitive part of your body for obvious reasons and shouldn’t be exposed to harsh irritants or unnatural chemicals which could cause damage.

5. They’re Not Cruelty Free

It’s easy to just assume that major brands are cruelty free, however there are some who are not. It can be hard to work out, as some companies may test on animals in other parts of the world - but still sell in the UK.

So Now You See The Problem!

Restoring that cheeky glint in your eyes and halting sun damage from racking up the years are essential parts towards becoming the attractive, strong and confident woman that you know is in there. But there’s not much on the market to achieve those goals.

Yes, some of them have potential and provide limited benefits, but I still wouldn’t recommend them to my clients.

I’ve been working hard for years to find that formula which I can finally recommend. However, we’ve had little success. A handful showed promise, but none were enough to obtain those top results or reviews from my women.

Some even provided excellent results, but I still couldn’t bring myself to recommend them.

Too sticky, too oily, or perhaps just without that luxury feel you deserve. So I approached The Chelsea Laboratory for help.

Together we agreed to create a formula that could be trusted to diminish wrinkles, crows feet and fine lines around the eyes, without any of the issues above.

It took a long time. With lots of trial and error, many of our formulas were NOT perfect.

But in the end, we did it.

An eye cream that you could trust to get rid of the signs of ageing and easily restore a more youthful look, regardless of your age, skin tone or previous sun damage.

And Here It Is, Advanced Eye Smoothing Formula...

The Luxury Formula Designed To Target ''Aged-Eyes'' And Restore That Youthful Look

Finally! You can sit back and adore a younger looking you like never before. This formula is truly exceptional and so much more advanced than any other product on today's market.

Thanks to our extensive research, we have developed a formula which truly delivers great results. Targeting the cannibal protein, MMP, and fighting it back to help your eyes look younger

AND… Our revolutionary formulation of all natural ingredients targets, repairs and protects against the onset of Dermatoheliosis.

One Formula, one bottle, safe for all skin types and stages of ageing…

Alcohol Free, Cruelty Free, Vegan and made using only 100% natural ingredients!

The Luxury Formula Designed To Target ''Aged-Eyes'' And Restore That Youthful Look

Effective All-Natural Ingredients Combine In A Lightweight, Vegan Under-Eye Cream

Rapidly RESTORES YOUNGER Looking Eyes

This completely unique product combines over 30 amazing ingredients designed to provide results unlike anything you have seen before. Including:

Dipalmitoyl Hydroxyproline

This super Peptide is the primary amino acid in skin’s collagen. It has astonishing hydration and anti-aging qualities which help preserve the skin’s supportive elements, meaning fewer visible lines and wrinkles. It also offsets the Cannibal Proteins (MMP’s) which degrade your natural collagen levels.

Camellia Sinensis

one of the best skin care ingredients, with anti-aging and soothing effects and packed with potent antioxidants and antibacterials. Camellia Sinensis (Black Tea Leaf Extract) can significantly improve the appearance of sun-damaged skin, restoring that clear youthful complexion.

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is naturally produced in our bodies and is an essential component for skin structure. As we age we naturally produce less, which is why it is such a staple to reverse and prevent wrinkles, fine lines and sagging skin.

Jojoba Oil

An incredible unique alternative to common greasy oils, Jojoba Oil fights free radicals and aids the healing of damaged skin - without blocking pores. By balancing out sebum production and providing a protective layer, notice healthier, more comfortable skin with reduced wrinkles and scars.


Aloe is a great moisturizer and is packed with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial components! This magic Juice noticeably aids the healing of cuts, scrapes and sun damage whilst boosting regeneration in general.

Shea Butter

Shea Butter has excellent moisturizing properties due to high concentration of fatty acids (including, linoleic, oleic, palmitic and stearic acids). Shea Butter also improves skin's natural barrier, heals cuts and scrapes and is rich with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits

I Need To Tell You This, From The Bottom Of My Heart…

If you want to diminish even more years off of your look…

...and have rid of deep, dry wrinkles around your eyes... from bags, dark circles and sagging skin...

...allowing you to look and feel your youngest self...

The Chelsea Laboratory's Eye Smoothing Formula is not just any anti-aging solution...

It's one of the only anti ageing solutions which combats the destructive the MMP protein around the eyes...

You won’t find another formula in the UK which incorporates carefully selected Peptides to really offset the age on Elderly-Eyes

This cruelty-free formula comes with the certainty that there are no parabens, mineral oils, silicones, PEG, chemical UV filters, microplastics, synthetic fragrances, artificial colorants and other questionable ingredients.

This Formula Works. And That’s Just It.

Many of my women see a noticeable difference in just a few days! But don’t just take my word for it, here’s what they had to say:

''The best product i have ever used, honestly has completely changed my life. Don't get me wrong I didn't exactly hide away or anything but I always used to feel self-conscious about my eyes because you can't exactly hide them and makeup always made my crows feet more defined. But after a what felt like just a couple weeks the skin around had softened and the wrinkles had pretty much dissipated!''

Katerina E


''Until now nothing has worked to properly moisturise and soften the wrinkles around my eyes. The first couple of days helped brighten and soften my eye area and after about a week it really started to offset the crows feet. My friend has been using this brand for months and she literally looks about 20 years younger!''

Josephine B


''I wish I'd tried this sooner. I was using the Firm and Restore Formula for ages and didn't think that the eye cream could possible make much more of a difference. I was wrong. The eye cream is an amazing companion to the F&R Formula and has taken my skin to the next level!''

Tracey S


''Only trouble is my jealous friends who don't believe I haven't had some sort of botox! I've been using the eye cream now for about 2 months, in that time I've said by to my saggy bags and the wrinkles that were quickly creeping in and said hello to probably the softest, firmest eyes i've ever had! I have to say I don't mind the extra attention from my friends!''

Annette FP



Perhaps you’re still wondering if you really need Advanced Eye Smoothing Formula with your Firm and Restore Formula?

Honestly, I respect that. You should take a minute to really think about whether this is right for you, so here are the facts…

If you only want:

✅ skin that feels smoother, firmer and more radiant

✅ To have a slightly younger look

✅ Use our formula a couple of times just to forget to keep using it

Then the Advanced Eye Smoothing Formula is not right for you.


If you’re looking for that next level, flawless skin tone to keep you looking and feeling younger and more beautiful as you age…

And to shock people every single time you reveal how old you really are…

And to have your husband, colleagues and even strangers complimenting you all the time..

Then the smart choice is to add your supply of the Advanced Eye Smoothing Formula to this order today.

And now for some fantastic news, just for you:

As you’re now a Chelsea Laboratory lady, committed to achieving the youngest looking you possible, you can have all the amazing benefits of the Advanced Eye Smoothing Formula for significantly less than the retail price of .

As a Special Thank you for putting your trust in us to help achieve those incredible results which you so deserve - when you purchase 2 bottles of Advanced Eye Smoothing Formula, you have 4 FREE BOTTLES on us! ONLY ON THIS PAGE, TODAY.

And don't forget, you're always covered by...

Don't Forget: This huge discount on Advanced Eye Smoothing Formula expires today and is only for first-time customers.

Select the ‘’ORDER NOW’’ button below to immediately add this amazing deal to today's order…

So that you can say ‘hello’ again to those breath-taking eyes that will be the envy of everyone you meet when you add your supply of Advanced Eye Smoothing Formula.

Remember that the longer and more consistent the use, the better the results.

This is how your results go from amazing to EXCEPTIONAL!

Believe me when I tell you, by using The Chelsea Laboratory's Advanced Eye Smoothing Formula with the Firm and Restore Formula every day. Then you’ll be looking and feeling like a Brand New You in only a few months!

And everybody from your friends and family, to complete strangers won't be able to resist complimenting you on just how beautiful you now look.

So don’t run the risk of missing this one time opportunity, click the ‘BUY NOW’ button below.

Women of all ages, skin tones and types are gaining unmatched results by using this duo of products. So ensure you don't miss out on this discount before it’s gone forever.

And start noticing life changing results in just 48 hours with our superfast UK delivery times.

To a Beautiful future and Beautiful you,

- Melissa Hartzel

Lets Get Younger Looking Eyes Today

The Chelsea Laboratory's
Advanced Eye Smoothing Formula

Today Only: Buy 2, Get 4 Absolutely Free

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The information presented on this website is not intended as specific medical advice and is not a substitute for professional treatment or diagnosis. All products featured on this site are compliant with Regulation (EC) No.1223/2009, are CPNP registered and are COSMOS Ecocert certified. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
